The indigenous Prussians |
A e. V.
C/o Reinhard G.
Grunenberg, Sybelstr.44, D-110629 Berlin, Germany
Tel/Fax: 30 / 3101 6599
The Tolkemita is the
representation of the native Prussians in Germany. Collecting and caring for the
cultural heritage and searching the historical facts form the main goals of this
group after all Prussians have been expelled from their homeland after 1945.
Prussian sites and collections are out of reach by their creators as the new
governments do not allow a return of the people or an access to the archives.
Moreover, Germany which has caused this situation rather supports the occupying
countries. A small house in Dieburg /Hessia which has been donated by Rutele and
Gerd Kauffmann originating from Tolkemit am Frischen Haff, preserves a modest
collection of Prussian related literature. It is available for research on
The Tolkemita is an
independent association trying to cope with a variety of tasks and needs
contributing members. Interesting themes from history, folklore, literature,
language and religion are offered. Subscriptions of periodical news can be
ordered at Euro 15,-- p.a. (2004), special editions published as „TOLKEMITA
-Texte“ according to volume.
Prussians and friends
wanting to participate actively in meetings and elections of the Prussian
representatives may choose to become member at Euro 30,--.
Acct 9 314 568/01
Grunenberg w. TOLKEMITA Dresdner Bank Frankfurt / M., BLZ 500 800 00
Foundation, Dieburg
Friends who like to
support the work of the Prussian people financially are invited to make
donations to the Tolkemita foundation which are deductible according to German
tax regulations:
Stiftung TOLKEMITA ,
Acct. 970 049, Dresdner Bank Frankfurt/M, Bankleitzahl 500 800 00
C/o Reinhard G.
Grunenberg, Sybelstr.44 , D-10629 Berlin
This group handles
contacts to the present people living in Prussia and informs about the
development there. It pursues possibilities to obtain cultural backing by
authorities and international organisations.